Reach your learning goals
one step at a time.

We're your dedicated support to help you unlock your full potential, built from the ground up to support you and your unique needs.

How it started

Lernib was inspired by challenges - academic and others - that we saw students facing around us. We realized that it wasn't just the material that made learning difficult.

Sometimes it was loneliness and exhaustion. Other times, it was needing a teammate to help plan a big project. And, sometimes, it was getting back to basics with study skills and time management.

We wanted to provide truly personalized support that went beyond tutoring. Lernib was born.

Teacher helping student with homework

Our Mission

We believe that everyone learns better when they have personalized support that meets their individual needs.

We understand that no two students are alike, and we embrace diverse learning styles.

Whether you need help with study skills or just someone to bounce ideas off of, we're here to help.

Our Values


When it comes to choosing a tutor, you want someone who listens and really gets you. We take the time to do just that, bringing empathy to every interaction we have.


We work with each person individually, but we also provide group support and team projects to strengthen communication skills.


We believe that every student does better with a support group. From friends to family to other students to educators, we want everyone to have someone to turn to for help.